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Table 4 Studies on insulin sensitivity and glycemic control

From: Bicarbonate in diabetic ketoacidosis - a systematic review


Trial design and size

Bicarb dose (intervention)

Insulin dose

Glycemic control

Hale et al. [13]


150 mmol

IM 20 U in 1st hr,

No difference in glucose decline over 2 hr

Br Med J 1984

Adults (N = 32)


6 U in both 2nd and 3rd hr


Morris et al. [14]


120.4 mmol

Insulin 0.3 U/kg (IV + IM),

No difference in time for glucose to reach 250 mg/dL

Ann Intern M 1986

Adults (N = 21)


then IM 7 U/hr

No difference in total insulin required


(1 hypoglycemia in control group)

Gamba et al. [15]


84 mmol

IV insulin 5 U/hr

No difference in glucose levels throughout 24 hrs

Rev Cl In 1991

Adults (N = 20)



No difference in total insulin required to reduce glucose


to < 250 mg/dL, or till urine ketones were < 2+

Lutterman et al. [17]


167 mmol

High-dose insulin (mean

No difference in glucose decline in 1st 2 hrs

Diabetologia 1979

Adults (N = 24)


260 ± 60 U in 1st 6 hr)

No difference in mean glucose in 1st 8 hours


vs. low dose 8 U/hr

(4 hypoglycemia in bicarb arm)

Lever et al. [18]


130-135 mmol

IM or IV insulin

No difference in glucose decline in 7 - 9 hrs

Am J Med 1983

Adult (N = 73)


5-6 U/hr (for all)

(2 hypoglycemia in bicarb arm)

Viallon et al. [20]


120 ± 40 mmol

IV insulin for all

No difference in normalization time of glycaemia

Crit Care Med 1999

Adult (N = 39)


(dose unspecified)

OR in mean quantity of insulin infused

Green et al. [24]


2.08 mmol/kg

IV insulin for all

No difference in insulin requirement in 24 hrs

Ann Em Med 1998

Pediatrics (N = 106)


(dose unspecified)


Okuda et al. [19]


200 mmol

IV 0.1 U/kg bolus insulin

No difference in glucose decline over 7 - 8 hrs

J Clin En M 1996

Adults (N = 7)


and then IV 0.1 U/kg/hr

  1. IM = intramuscular; IV = intravenous; U = units; bicarb = bicarbonate; L = liter; hr = hour