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Table 4 Special cases definitions and outcome impact on interventions and measurement interval

From: Pilot proof of concept clinical trials of Stochastic Targeted (STAR) glycemic control




Maximum measurement interval (h)

Gradual reduction of hyperglycemia

BGi > 7.5 mmol/L

Percentile used for Targeting




Target Value

0.85 × BGi


Rapid decrease in glucose levels

BGi < BGi-1 (5th) - 1

BGi < 5.0

Background insulin infusions stopped



BGi ≥ 5.0

Background insulin infusions stopped


Nutrition suspension

Feed turned off by clinician

Use only insulin intervention

Stop all extra insulin infusions


Added insulin infusion of 1 U/h over 6 U/h maximum

Must meet:

• Insulin at ≥5 U/h, for the past 3 hours

• At least 4 hours has elapsed since the last time the enteral feed was turned off

Add 1 U/h insulin infusion on top of 6 U/h maximum level

This infusion is maintained for 6 hours unless:

A) Nutrition is stopped for any reason

B) If "Rapid Decrease in Glucose Levels" is detected

C) BG predicted to be below lower cceptable limit with insulin infusion

1-3 hours as chosen by nurse