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Table 1 Characteristics of the 189 participating ICUs

From: Symptoms of depression in ICU physicians

Annual number of admissions to the ICU*

600 ± 310

Mean duration of hospitalization in the ICU, days*

7.9 ± 2.6

SAPS II score on admission*

39 ± 5

ICU mortality, %*

19.3 ± 5.5

Staffing, patients per nurse, n

3.0 ± 0.6

No. of physicians in charge of the ICU

3.6 ± 2.2

No. of interns or residents per ICU

2.7 ± 2.0

No. of ICU beds the day of the survey

14 ± 7

  1. *Year 2003. Values are expressed as mean (±SD).