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Table 2 Clinical trials evaluating antipsychotics in critically ill patients with delirium.

From: Delirium in the ICU: an overview

Author, year

No. of patients

Inclusion criteria




Primary endpoint


Reade [84], 2009


Mechanical ventilation, inability to extubate because of agitation

Dexmedetomidine 0.2-0.7 mcg/kg/h (loading dose was optional) Haloperidol 0.5-2 mg/h (loading dose was optional)


Computer-generated random sequence

Time from commencement of study drug to extubation

Patients on dexmedetomidine were extubated sooner than those on haloperidol: 9.9 (IQR 7.3-24) vs. 42.5 (IQR 23.2-117.8) hours, P = 0.016.

Girard [85], 2010


Mechanical ventilation, abnormal level of consciousness, receipt of sedative or analgesic medications

Haloperidol 5 mg Ziprasidone 40 mg placebo. Second dose administered 12 hours after the first if QT < 500 msec; then every 6 hours.


Computer-generated, permuted-block randomization scheme

Number of days alive without delirium or coma

No significant difference in number of days alive without delirium or coma. P = 0.66. Haloperidol: 14 (IQR 6–18) days Ziprasidone: 15 (IQR 9.1-18) days Placebo: 12.5 (IQR 1.2-17.2) days

Devlin [86], 2010


ICU patients with delirium and an order for as-needed haloperidol

Quetiapine 50 mg every 12 hours titrated upwards on a daily basis if haloperidol was needed. Placebo.


Computer-generated random sequence

Time to first resolution of delirium

Time to first resolution was shorter with Quetiapine therapy than with placebo, P = 0.001. Quetiapine: 1 (IQR 0.5-3) days Placebo: 4.5 (IQR 2–7) days

Skrobik [87], 2004


ICU patients with delirium

Haloperidol 2.5-5 mg every 8 hours Olanzapine 5 mg daily

Only those assessing outcomes

Even/odds day basis

Not specified

No difference in delirium index scores, P = 0.83. No difference in benzodiazepine use, P = 0.9.

  1. IQR, interquartile range.