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Table 1 Questionnaire responses regarding risks assessment and management in oxygen therapy

From: Self-reported attitudes versus actual practice of oxygen therapy by ICU physicians and nurses


Responses (% of total)

Physicians vs. nurses

Is oxygen induced lung injury a concern when placing a patient on mechanical ventilation?



 YES, a major concern

126 (59%)

  due to the high incidence of injury

13 (6%)

  due to the severity of injury

63 (29%)

  due to the high incidence and severity of injury

50 (23%)

 YES, but not a major concern

80 (37%)

 NO, it is not a concern

9 (4%)

In your opinion, which one of the following two situations poses a greater threat of lung injury for mechanically ventilated patients?



 High FiO2

35 (16%)

 High tidal volumes and high ventilator pressures

173 (81%)

 Don't know

7 (3%)

In situations when maximal SaO2 achievable is low (±85%) or when FiO2 requirements are high, do you assess indices of tissue oxygenation?


P = 0.05


91 (43%)

 YES, lactate

88 (42%)

 YES, microcirculation with OPS/SDF imaging

4 (2%)

 YES, a combination of indices

20 (9%)

 YES, SvO2

6 (3%)

 YES, other

2 (1%)

  1. NS, not significant; FiO2, fractions of inspired oxygen; OPS, orthogonal polarization spectral; SDF, sidestream dark field; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation; SvO2, mixed venous oxygen saturation.