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Table 5 Nurse hypoperfusion score in patients with clinical SIRS at ED presentation

From: Capillary lactate as a tool for the triage nurse among patients with SIRS at emergency department presentation: a preliminary report

Definition of score

28-day mortality

Overall SIRS


SIRS without hypotension


Absence of mottling and capillary lactates ≤3.6 mmol/L

0 point

5/85 (6)


5/84 (6)


Presence of mottling or capillary lactates >3.6 mmol/L

1 point

14/75 (19)

11/64 (17)

Presence of mottling and capillary lactates >3.6 mmol/L

2 points

10/15 (67)

5/9 (56)