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Table 4 Results of univariate and multivariate analysis with glycemic variability

From: Associations between bolus infusion of hydrocortisone, glycemic variability and insulin infusion rate variability in critically Ill patients under moderate glycemic control




Percentage of change in glycemic variability [95 % CI]

P value

Percentage of change in glycemic variability [95 % CI]

P value

APACHE II score <15

 Bolus infusion of hydrocortisone

20 [5 – 36]


23 [8 – 40]a


APACHE II score 15–24

 Bolus infusion of hydrocortisone

22 [16 – 29]


23 [16 – 30]b

< 0.001

APACHE II score >24

 Bolus infusion of hydrocortisone

15 [8–21]


14 [8–20]c

< 0.001

  1. APACHE acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, BMI body mass index, CI confidence interval
  2. aMultivariate model includes the significant confounders Admission Type, and BMI
  3. bMultivariate model includes the significant confounders Admission Type, gender and BMI
  4. cMultivariate model includes the significant confounders Admission Type, and gender