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Table 1 Patients characteristics at enrolment and reason for ICU admission

From: Evaluation of a systematic approach to weaning of tracheotomized neurological patients: an early interrupted randomized controlled trial


Intervention group (n = 86)

Control group (n = 82)

Patients characteristics

 Age, year, mean (SD)

54 (17)

54 (19)

 Male/female, n



 SAPS II score, mean (SD)

45 (13)

44 (16)

 GCS at ICU admission, mean (SD)

6 (3)

7 (4)

 GCS at disconnection, mean (SD)

8 (3)

8 (3)

 PaO2/FiO2 at disconnection, mean (SD)

310 (66)

306 (63)

Reason for ICU admission

 Subarachnoid/intracerebral hemorrage, n (%)

45 (52)

48 (59)

 Head trauma, n (%)

27 (31)

23 (28)

 Cerebral tumor, n (%)

4 (5)

1 (1)

 Other, n (%)

10 (12)

10 (12)

  1. GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, ICU intensive care unit, PaO 2 /FiO 2 ratio of partial pressure arterial oxygen and fraction of inspired oxygen, SAPS simplified acute physiologic score, SD standard deviation