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Table 3 Clinical characteristics related to in the subgroup of patients with SAPS 2 ≤ 15 admitted to ICU

From: Influence of ICU-bed availability on ICU admission decisions


HBA n = 64

LBA n = 28

Shock prior ICU admission (%, n)

11, 7

3, 8

Mechanical ventilation prior ICU admission (including non invasive ventilation) (%, n)

16, 10

19, 5

High level oxygen administration (>10L/min) prior ICU admission (%, n)

8, 5

13, 4

Glasgow <12 prior ICU admission (%, n)

23, 15

13, 4

Mechanical ventilation during ICU stay. (%, n)

25, 16

33, 9

  1. HBA high bed availability, LBA low bed availability