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Fig. 2 | Annals of Intensive Care

Fig. 2

From: Glutamine, fish oil and antioxidants in critical illness: MetaPlus trial post hoc safety analysis

Fig. 2

Boxplot figures representing the plasma concentration values and variations of the immune-modulating nutrients at baseline, day 4 and day 8 among medical and non-medical patients. a Glutamine. b (epa + dha)/lcf ratio. c Selenium. d Vitamin e. e Vitamin c. f Zinc. IMHP immune-modulating high-protein enteral nutrition, HP high-protein enteral nutrition. Boxplot interpretation: 0 or +: average value, −: median, rectangle bottom: quartile 1 cutpoint (25th percentile), rectangle upper: quartile 3 cutpoint (75th percentile). 0 or +: outliers more than 1.5 times inter quartile range above quartile 3 or below quartile 1, T: highest or lowest level not being an outlier

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