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Table 1 Patients baseline characteristics according to study group

From: Effect of insulin infusion line on glycaemic variability in a perioperative high dependency unit (HDU): a prospective randomised controlled trial


Standard infusion line

(n = 86)

Optimised infusion line

(n = 86)

Age (years)

62.6 ± 10.3 (63.0)

61.8 ± 10.5 (61.0)

BMI (kg.m−2)

25.5 ± 5.2 (25.0)

25.5 ± 4.9 (25.9)

Men, n (%)

33 (38.4)

27 (31.4)

ASA score, n (%)

 ASA 1

11 (12.8)

17 (19.8)

 ASA 2

56 (65.1)

55 (63.9)

 ASA 3

18 (20.9)

13 (15.1)

 ASA 4

1 (1.2)

1 (1.2)

Number of CRFs, n (%)


14 (17.5)

9 (11.0)


10 (25.0)

23 (28.0)


9 (11.3)

20 (24.4)


37 (46.2)

30 (36.6)

Dyslipidemia, n (%)

30 (37.5)

27 (32.9)

High blood pressure, n (%)

37 (46.3)

39 (47.6)

Pulmonary history, n (%)

11 (13.8)

15 (18.3)

Cirrhosis history, n (%)

8 (10.0)

4 (4.9)

Liver surgery history, n (%)

8 (10.0)

6 (7.3)

Pancreas disease history, n (%)

4 (5.0)

3 (3.7)

Corticosteroid therapy, n (%)

1 (1.3)

4 (4.9)

Kidney disease history, n (%)

2 (2.5)

3 (3.7)

Blood disease history, n (%)

2 (2.5)

2 (2.4)

Pre-existing diabetes, n (%)

17 (21.3)

12 (14.6)

Scheduled surgery, n (%)

85 (98.8)

84 (97.7)

Type of surgery, n (%)


33 (41.3)

34 (41.5)


29 (36.3)

31 (37.8)


8 (10.0)

8 (9.8)

 Vascular and general

10 (12.5)

9 (11.0)


22.2 ± 8.4 (23.0)

21.8 ± 7.9 (21.0)

SOFA score

1.3 ± 1.8 (0.0)

1.2 ± 1.7 (0.0)

  1. Values are expressed as mean ± SD (median) unless otherwise indicated
  2. ASA Physical status score defined by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, BMI body mass index, CRFs cardiovascular risk factors, SAPS II simplified acute physiological score, SD standard deviation, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment