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Table 1 Baseline characteristics and clinical data of the study population

From: Short-term effects of passive mobilization on the sublingual microcirculation and on the systemic circulation in patients with septic shock


Results (n = 35)

Age (years)

68 (49.0–78.0)

Gender, male

16 (45.7)

BMI (kg/m2)

24.6 ± 5.0


9 (7.0–12.0)

SAPS 3 score

66.7 ± 12.1

Admission diagnosis



19 (54.3)


16 (45.7)

Charlson index

2.0 (1.0–6.0)




15 (42.9)

 Diabetes mellitus

10 (28.6)

 Liver failure

4 (11.4)

Source of infection



18 (51.4)


8 (22.9)

 Blood flow

6 (17.1)


3 (8.6)

Sedative drugs


 Propofol (mg/kg/h) (n = 30)

1.84 ± 0.83

 Fentanyl (mcg/kg/h) (n = 28)

3.42 ± 1.41

 Midazolam (mcg/kg/h) (n = 5)

0.08 (0.06–0.17)

Vasoactive drugs


 Norepinephrine (mcg/kg/min) (n = 35)

0.39 ± 0.20

 Epinephrine (mcg/kg/min) (n = 2)

0.01 (0.01–0.01)

 Dobutamine (mcg/kg/min) (n = 1)


Time on vasopressors pre-protocol (h)

39 (24.0–72.0)

Mechanical ventilation


 PEEP (cmH2O)

8.0 (6.0–10.0)

 FiO2 (%)

40.0 (30.0–50.0)


239.0 ± 83.0

 Cstat (mL/cmH2O)

33.9 ± 13.7

 Tidal volume (mL/kg)b

7.2 ± 1.4

 Driving pressure (cmH2O)

12.0 (9.0–16.0)

ICU LOS (days)

17.0 (12.0–25.0)

ICU mortality

21 (60.0)

  1. The results are expressed as a number (%), the mean ± standard deviation or the median (25–75%)
  2. BMI, body mass index; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; SAPS 3, Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PaO2, arterial oxygen partial pressure; FiO2, oxygen inspired fraction; Cstat, static compliance; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay
  3. aSOFA was calculated on the study day, b based on predicted body weight