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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of sepsis patients admitted to the ICU stratified according to prior use of statins

From: The host response in critically ill sepsis patients on statin therapy: a prospective observational study


Unmatched cohort

Propensity-matched cohort


N = 351

No statins

N = 709



N = 194

No statins

N = 194



Age, years, mean [SD]

67.0 [9.9]

58.7 [15.6]

< .0001

66.7 [10.5]

65.8 [13.2]


Gender, male (%)

238 (67.8)

402 (56.7)


123 (63.4)

121 (62.4)


Race, white (%)

315 (89.7)

619 (87.3)


175 (90.2)

175 (90.2)


BMI, kg/m2, mean [SD]

26.8 [6.2]

25.6 [6.1]


26.6 [6.09]

27.0 [6.95]



Cerebrovascular disease (%)

58 (16.5)

43 (6.1)

< .001

32 (16.5)

24 (12.4)


Chronic cardiovascular insufficiency (%)

22 (6.3)

17 (2.4)


11 (5.7)

10 (5.2)


Chronic renal insufficiency (%)

88 (25.1)

67 (9.4)

< .001

46 (23.7)

38 (19.6)


Congestive heart failure (%)

29 (8.3)

23 (3.2)


10 (5.2)

10 (5.2)


COPD (%)

70 (19.9)

89 (12.6)


32 (16.5)

36 (18.6)


Diabetes mellitus (%)

133 (37.9)

89 (12.6)

< .001

60 (30.9)

48 (24.7)


Hematologic malignancy (%)

9 (2.6)

70 (9.9)


7 (3.6)

6 (3.1)


Hypertension (%)

174 (49.6)

159 (22.4)

< .001

81 (41.8)

76 (39.2)


Immune deficiency (%)

72 (20.5)

158 (22.3)


38 (19.6)

43 (22.2)


Metastatic malignancy (%)

6 (1.7)

39 (5.5)


3 (1.5)

1 (0.5)


Myocardial infarction (history of) (%)

70 (19.9)

30 (4.2)

< .001

29 (14.9)

22 (11.3)


Non-metastatic malignancy (%)

62 (17.7)

89 (12.6)


43 (22.2)

33 (17)


Peripheral vascular disease (%)

82 (23.4)

50 (7.1)

< .001

46 (23.7)

26 (13.4)


Alcohol or drug abuse (%)

17 (4.8)

60 (8.5)


11 (5.7)

17 (8.8)


Chronic medication

ACE inhibitors and ARBs (%)

192 (54.7)

134 (18.9)

< .001

90 (46.4)

76 (39.2)


Anticoagulants (%)

72 (20.5)

97 (13.7)


45 (23.2)

44 (22.7)


Antiplatelet drugs (%)

203 (57.8)

91 (12.8)

< .001

91 (46.9)

69 (35.6)


Beta-blockers (%)

215 (61.3)

135 (19)

< .001

100 (51.5)

86 (44.3)


Calcium channel blockers (%)

108 (30.8)

79 (11.1)

< .001

54 (27.8)

46 (23.7)


Corticosteroids (%)

54 (15.4)

109 (15.4)


28 (14.4)

37 (19.1)


Insulin (%)

77 (21.9)

51 (7.2)

< .001

43 (22.2)

28 (14.4)


Oral antidiabetic drugs (%)

91 (25.9)

47 (6.6)

< .001

38 (19.6)

27 (13.9)


Other antiarrhythmic drugs (%)

27 (7.7)

28 (3.9)


17 (8.8)

17 (8.8)



 Simvastatin (%)

189 (53.8)


109 (56.2)


 Atorvastatin (%)

75 (21.4)


37 (19.1)


 Pravastatin (%)

49 (14)


27 (13.9)


 Rosuvastatin (%)

28 (8)


15 (7.7)


 Fluvastatin (%)

8 (2.3)


4 (2.1)


 Unknown statin (%)

2 (0.6)


2 (1)


Site of infection

Pulmonary (%)

137 (39)

326 (46)


75 (38.7)

79 (40.7)


Abdominal (%)

63 (17.9)

140 (19.7)


39 (20.1)

31 (16)


Urinary tract (%)

45 (12.8)

64 (9)


25 (12.9)

24 (12.4)


Other (%)a

64 (18.2)

101 (14.2)


33 (17)

38 (19.6)


Co-infection (%)

42 (12)

78 (11)


22 (11.3)

22 (11.3)


Admission type, medical (%)

253 (72.1)

531 (74.9)


135 (69.6)

155 (79.9)


Causative pathogens b

Gram-positive (%)

184 (52.4)

327 (46)


88 (45.4)

85 (43.8)


Gram-negative (%)

220 (62.7)

395 (55.7)


119 (61.3)

111 (57.2)


Yeast/fungi (%)

38 (10.8)

79 (11.1)


20 (10.3)

25 (12.9)


Other (%)

39 (11.1)

94 (13.3)


25 (12.9)

24 (12.4)


Unknown (%)

51 (14.5)

124 (17.5)


26 (13.4)

34 (17.5)


Severity of disease in first 24 h

APACHE IV Score, median [IQR]

83 [67–103]

78 [61–101]


85 [66–103]

83 [66–106]


Acute physiology score, median [IQR]

68 [51–86]

65 [51–85]


71 [52–87]

67 [53–92]


SOFA score, median [IQR]c

8 [6–10]

7 [5–9]


8 [6–10]

7 [5–9.75]


Organ failure (%)

295 (84)

600 (84.6)


169 (87.1)

174 (89.7)


Shock (%)

119 (33.9)

240 (33.9)


73 (37.6)

77 (39.7)


Acute lung injury (%)

89 (25.4)

202 (28.5)


53 (27.3)

50 (25.8)


Acute kidney injury (%)

157 (44.7)

271 (38.2)


81 (41.8)

90 (46.4)


Mechanical ventilation (%)

272 (77.5)

549 (77.4)


153 (78.9)

155 (79.9)


Renal replacement therapy (%)

48 (13.7)

61 (8.6)


32 (16.5)

19 (9.8)


Lactate max. (mmol/l), median [IQR]d

2.6 [1.7–4.9]

2.6 [1.6–4.77]


2.5 [1.6–4.6]

2.9 [1.8–4.6]


  1. ACE angiotensin-converting-enzyme, APACHE acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, ARBs angiotensin receptor blockers, BMI body mass index, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, IQR interquartile range, NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, SD standard deviation, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment
  2. aSite of infection: “other” includes cardiovascular infection, mediastinitis and skin infection
  3. bPercentages represent the proportion of cases caused by the particular pathogen. In some cases multiple causative pathogens were isolated
  4. cCentral nervous system not included in score, due to large number of sedated patients
  5. dLactate levels were absent in 220 patients