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Table 3 Hemodynamic drug support and RCTs in septic shock

From: Hemodynamic support in the early phase of septic shock: a review of challenges and unanswered questions


Studied drugs

Type of study

No. of patients (n)

Primary outcome

Main results

Authors [ref.]


AVP versus NE

RCT, double blind, multicenter

778 (396 vs. 382)

Mortality at day 28

No difference; significantly lower mortality in patients with NE < 15 µg/min

Russell et al. [12]

VASST (post hoc according to sepsis 3.0)

AVP versus NE

RCT, double blind, multicenter

375 (193 vs. 182)

Mortality at day 28

Significantly lower mortality in patients with lactate ≤ 2 mmol/L

Russell et al. [77]


AVP versus NE (subsequently HCT versus placebo)

2 × 2 RCT, double blind, multicenter

409 (104 vs. 103 vs. 101 vs. 101)

Kidney failure-free days until day 28

No difference

Gordon et al. [41]


AVP versus NE

RCT, double blind, single center

300 (149 vs. 151)

Mortality and/or severe complications

Significantly less acute renal failure and atrial fibrillation

Hajjar et al. [78]


Selepressin versus NE

RCT, double blind, multicenter

53 (32 vs. 21)

MAP > 65 mmHg without NE; NE dose

Significantly lower NE load, less net fluid intake, more ventilator-free days

Russell et al. [81]


Levosimendan versus standard treatment alone

RCT, double blind, multicenter

516 (259 vs. 257)

SOFA score up to day 28

No difference; higher incidence in supraventricular tachyarrhythmia

Gordon et al. [83]


Angiotensin II versus NE

RCT, double blind, multicenter

321 (163 vs. 158)

Target MAP > 75 mmHg at 3 h

Significantly more patients with target achieved; higher reduction in SOFA score at 48 h

Khanna et al. [86]


Esmolol versus conventional treatment

Open label, RCT, single center

154 (77 vs. 77)

80 < heart rate < 95 over 96 h

Significantly lower mortality at day 28

Morelli et al. [88]

  1. RCTs randomized clinical trials, NE norepinephrine, AVP arginine vasopressin, HCT hydrocortisone, nn no name