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Table 2 Characteristics of prone positioning sessions

From: Hemodynamic effects of extended prone position sessions in ARDS


Session characteristics

n = 197

Number of PP sessions per patient

2 ± 2

Time between ARDS onset and PP session onset (day)

3 ± 3

Duration of PP session (h)

16 ± 3

SOFA score

15 ± 4

Body weight at PP session onset (kg)

86 ± 19

Cumulative fluid balance at PP session onset (kg)

2.3 ± 6.5

Fluid balance during PP session (kg)

0.8 ± 3.3

Fluid challenge during PP session

78 (40%)

Volume of fluid challenges during PP session (mL)

505 ± 1069

Renal replacement therapy

84 (43%)

Dobutamine administration

62 (31%)

Vasopressor administration

166 (84%)

Inhaled nitric oxide

39 (20%)

Neuromuscular blocking agents

182 (92%)

O2 responders to PP

157 (80%)

CO2 responders to PP

97 (49%)

O2 and CO2 responders to PP

85 (43%)

  1. Values are count (percentage) or mean ± standard deviation
  2. CO2 responders to PP = patients in which PaCO2 decreases by at least 1 mmHg between end of PP session and before PP session. O2 responders to PP = patients in which PaO2/FiO2 increases by at least 20 mmHg between end of PP session and before PP session. O2 and CO2 responders to PP = patients in which PaO2/FiO2 increases by at least 20 mmHg and PaCO2 decreases by at least 1 mmHg between end of PP session and before PP session
  3. PP prone position, SOFA sepsis-related organ failure assessment