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Fig. 2 | Annals of Intensive Care

Fig. 2

From: Information conveyed by electrical diaphragmatic activity during unstressed, stressed and assisted spontaneous breathing: a physiological study

Fig. 2

Illustration of the measurements performed offline from the recorded curves (example of assisted ventilation). Tip: Pneumatic inspiratory time, Ttot: Total duration of a respiratory cycle, Tin: neural inspiratory time or time between initial increase in Eadi signal and peak Eadi, Tiex: time delay between maximal Eadi value and end of inspiratory flow. Peak Eadi: maximal Eadi value during one breath, Mean Eadi: mean Eadi value during Eadi increase related to inspiration, Eadi global integral: area under the curve (integral) of the global Eadi signal, Eadi integral peak: area under the curve of Eadi signal censured at the peak, PTPeso: Esophageal pressure–time product

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