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Table 1 Patient characteristics at baseline

From: How to detect a positive response to a fluid bolus when cardiac output is not measured?

Gender (no. of patients, F/M)


Age (mean ± SD, years)

63 ± 13

Cardiac rhythm (no. of patients, %)


397 (81)

 Atrial fibrillation

88 (18)

 Atrial extrasystoles

6 (1)

SAPSII (mean ± SD)

63 ± 13

Type of shock (no. of patients,  %)


347 (71)


100 (20)


23 (5)

 Vasoplegic (non-septic)

21 (4)

Reasons for fluid administration (no of patients, %)a


101 (21)




220 (45)

 Skin mottling

54 (11)

 Tissue hypoxia

264 (54)

Mechanical ventilation (no. of patients, %)

327 (67)

 Tidal volume (mean ± SD, mL/kg of PBW)

6.3 (0.8)

ARDS (no. of patients, %)

295 (60)

Sedation (no. of patients, %)

319 (65)

Lactate (mean ± SD, mmol/L)

3.1 (1.2)

Patients receiving NE at baseline (no. of patients, %)

346 (71)

 NE dose at baseline (median [25–75% IQ] μg/kg/min

0.7 [0.6–1.6]

  1. N = 491
  2. ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, NE norepinephrine, SAPS II simplified acute physiology score, IQ interquartile
  3. aSeveral reasons might have been present in a patient simultaneously