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Table 2 Cognitive and psychosocial outcomes of all patients, and of patients with and without delirium during ICU stay

From: Cognitive and psychosocial outcomes of mechanically ventilated intensive care patients with and without delirium

Variable at ICU discharge

All patients (n = 103)

No delirium (n = 66)

Delirium (n = 37)

P value*

MMSE, median (IQR)

28 (26–30)

29 (27–30)

27 (24–29)


Variables after 6 months

(n = 65)

(n = 38)

(n = 27)


TICS, median (IQR)

32 (30–34)

32 (30–35)

32 (30–33)


IES-R, median (IQR)

20 (6–34)

20 (3–33)

21 (8–36)


Variables after 12 months

(n = 60)

(n = 33)

(n = 27)


TICS, median (IQR)

31 (28–34)

30 (28–34)

31 (29–34)


IES-R, median (IQR)

15 (4–39)

11 (2–27)

30 (10–51)


IQCODE, median (IQR)

50 (48–53)

50 (48–53)

51 (48–55)


  1. Italic value is statistically significant
  2. MMSE Mini-mental state examination, TICS Telephone interview for cognitive status, IES-R impact of events scale-revised, PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder, IQCODE Informant questionnaire for cognitive decline in the elderly
  3. *P values between patients with and with no delirium derived from Mann–Whitney U test