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Table 1 Characteristics and severity parameters of patients at admission

From: pCLIF-SOFA is a reliable outcome prognostication score of critically ill children with cirrhosis: an ESPNIC multicentre study




 Centre 1

38 (29.2%)

 Centre 2

33 (25.5%)

 Centre 3

31 (23.8%)

 Centre 4

28 (21.5%)

Cause of cirrhosis


28 (21.5%)

 Cholestatic including BA

92 (70.7%)


4 (3%)


4 (3%)


2 (1.5%)


58 (44.6%)

Age (months)

41 [1.0; 200]

Weight (kg)

8.7 [6.0; 18.5]

Reason for admission


23 (17.7%)

 GI bleeding

42 (32.3%)


4 (3%)


18 (13.8%)


24 (18.4%)


19 (14.6%)

Bilirubin (µmol/L)

216 [89; 403]


1.89 [1.2; 3.42]

pCLIF-SOFA score

8.6 [0; 21]

PELD score

18.6 [– 14.7; 47.9]

KDIGO stage (1 + 2, 3)

17 (13%), 23 (17.7%)

PIM2 score

13.4% [12;4; 14.4]

Mechanical ventilation

35 (27%)

Sepsis and septic shock (admission + hospitalization)

30 + 34 (49.2%)


38 (59.4%)

 Septic shock

26 (40.6%)

PICU-LOS (days)

13 [2; 17]

  1. BA biliary atresia, ACLF acute-on-chronic liver failure, GI gastro-intestinal, INR International Normalized Ratio, pCLIF-SOFA Paediatric Chronic Liver Failure-Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score, PELD paediatric end-stage liver disease, KDIGO Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes, PIM2 Paediatric Index of Mortality 2, PICU-LOS paediatric intensive care unit-length of stay
  2. aMedian [IQR] or number (percentage) as appropriate