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Table 2 Treatment exposure in France and ROW

From: Efficacy and safety of human soluble thrombomodulin (ART-123) for treatment of patients in France with sepsis-associated coagulopathy: post hoc analysis of SCARLET


France (n = 149)

ROW (n = 651)

P valuea

Duration of treatment, mean (SD), d

4.9 (1.86)

5.1 (1.68)

Dose, n (%)


19 (12.8)

49 (7.5)


107 (71.8)

465 (71.4)

Time from admission to treatment





 Median (range), h

19.4 (12.3–26.8)

26.0 (17.9–41.3)

< 0.0001

Time from admission to qualifying INR





 Median (range), h

6.9 (0.7–17.0)

14.2 (4.5–29.6)

 < 0.0001

Time from qualifying INR to treatmentc, median (range), h

10.9 (6.9–14.8)

10.7 (7.0–14.5)

  1. INR international normalized ratio, ROW rest of world (excluding France), SD standard deviation
  2. aFor comparison of patients in France vs those from the ROW by Wilcoxon 2-sample test
  3. bTotal n for the parameter; data missing for some study patients
  4. cThe study protocol limited the maximum time from qualifying INR to treatment