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Table 1 Relevant clinical and pre-clinical investigations supporting autonomic dysfunction in response to sepsis and septic shock (or endotoxic shock)

From: The autonomic nervous system in septic shock and its role as a future therapeutic target: a narrative review


Main results

Type of studies


Catecholamines/ neuroendocrine mediators

Endogenous catecholamine increase after a sympathetic insult (e.g., head-up tilt) was larger in sepsis survivors than in non-survivors. Mortality and morbidity were higher in patients with higher and more prolonged catecholamine burden

Clinical studies

Benedict and Rose [44], Ostrowski et al. [28], Boldt et al. [27], Schmittinger et al. [29]

In the late phase of sepsis, animals showed reduced vasopressin release. Animal models of sinoartic denervation and bilateral carotid neurotomy showed an increase in catecholamines and TNF-alpha release

Animal studies

Pancoto et al. [8], Shi et al. [9], Nardocci et al. [57]

Adrenergic receptors

Endotoxemia caused systemic α1-receptor downregulation in all organs investigated; tissue concentrations of interleukin-1β and TNF-α were markedly increased

Animal study

Bucher et al. [47]

Patients presenting with sepsis or septic shock had extended deficits in β-adrenergic post-receptor signal transduction

Clinical study

Bernardin et al. [48]

HRV, BPV, BRS and chemoreflex sensitivity

BRS, chemoreflex sensitivity, and almost all HRV indexes were attenuated in MOF patients. Patients in whom organ function (SOFA score) increased significantly showed an increase in mean BP value and LF power in BP time series

Clinical studies

Schmidt et al. [7], Pontet et al. [77], Carrara et al. [84]

Reduced HRV indexes preceded sepsis-induced macro-hemodynamic alterations. HRV reduction was associated with pronounced parasympathetic inhibition and a sympatho-vagal balance shift. BRS was reduced after fecal peritonitis; overall variability, LF power, LF/HF ratio of HR, and LF power of MAP were all reduced. Denervated rats had the lowest BRS and survived the shortest time after the peritonitis. Endotoxic shock induced a very rapid impairment in baroreflex function, independent of the BP level. Septic shock induced an inversion of the physiological pulse pressure amplification; aortic time constant tau, aortic compliance and TPR were decreased; BRS and aortic time constant tau alterations were correlated

Animal studies

Pancoto et al. [8], Jarkovska et al. [78], Shi et al. [9], Shen et al. [56], Nardocci et al. [57] Radaelli et al. [5], Carrara et al. [82]

Autonomic centers

Septic shock is associated with neuronal and glial apoptosis within the autonomic centers, which is strongly associated with endothelial iNOS expression

Post mortem patient study

Sharshar et al. [55]

  1. BRS baroreflex sensitivity, TPR total peripheral resistance, HRV heart rate variability, MAP mean arterial pressure, LF low frequency, HF high frequency