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Table 3 Hemodynamic evaluations and CRRT settings during study

From: Prevalence and risk factors of hemodynamic instability associated with preload-dependence during continuous renal replacement therapy in a prospective observational cohort of critically ill patients


Median [IQR] or count (%)

Number of hemodynamic evaluations


Number of hemodynamic evaluations per patient

33 [19–41]

Study duration (h)

121 [60–147]

Norepinephrine vasopressor dose (µg kg−1 min−1)

0.29 [0.08–0.81]

Vasopressor norepinephrine administration (%)

1042 (85%)

Dobutamine administration (%)

91 (7%)

Arterial lactate (mmol L−1)

1.8 [1.4–2.9]

Heart rate (min−1)

94 [78–110]

MAP (mmHg)

73 [64–81]

CVP (mmHg)

7 [4–10]

CITD (L min−1 m−2)

3.0 [2.5–3.5]

CIPC (L min−1 m−2)

2.9 [2.4–3.5]

ISVR (dynes s cm−5)

1780 [1507–2095]

EVLWI (mL kg−1 PBW)

10.5 [8.7–13.3]


2.1 [1.8–2.5]

GEDVI (mL m−2)

652 [582–811]

GEF (%)

20 [16–23]

PPV (%)

9 [5–15]

SVV (%)

11 [7–18]


0.8 [0.7–1.0]

Preload-dependence assessed by postural test

490 (41%)

Type of CRRT


1072 (87%)


165 (13%)

Ultrafiltration rate (mL kg−1 h−1)a

27 [24–31]

Dialysate rate (mL kg−1 h−1)b

25 [23–27]

CRRT blood flow (mL min−1)

250 [200–250]

Net ultrafiltration rate (mL kg−1 h−1)

1.4 [0–2.9]

Ultrafiltrate/dialysate temperature (°C)

38 [37–39]

CRRT circuit anticoagulation


946 (77%)


165 (13%)


126 (10%)

  1. CIPC continuous cardiac index assessed by pulsed contour analysis, CITD cardiac index assessed by thermodilution, CRRT continuous renal replacement therapy, CVP central venous pressure, CVVH continuous veno-venous hemofiltration, CVVHD continuous veno-venous hemodialysis, Eadyn dynamic arterial elastance, EVLWI extravascular lung water index, GEDVI global end-diastolic volume index, GEF global ejection fraction, IQR interquartile range, MAP mean arterial pressure, ISVR indexed systemic vascular resistance, PBW predicted body weight, PVPI pulmonary vascular permeability index, PPV pulse pressure variation, PVPI pulmonary vascular permeability index, SVV stroke volume variation
  2. aIn patients treated with CVVH
  3. bIn patients treated with CVVHD