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Fig. 4 | Annals of Intensive Care

Fig. 4

From: Prevalence and prognostic value of various types of right ventricular dysfunction in mechanically ventilated septic patients

Fig. 4

The Kaplan–Meier curves for estimated survival analysis. The RVF/RVSD group had the highest mortality (RVF/RVSD vs. RVSD only, log-rank:3.662, p = 0.057; RVF/RVSD vs. RVF only, log-rank:12.613, p < 0.001; RVF/RVSD vs. normal, log-rank:25.208, p < 0.001); The RVSD only group had higher mortality than the RVF only and normal groups (RVSD only vs. RVF only, log-rank:3.995, p = 0.046; RVSD only vs. normal, log-rank: 7.376, p = 0.007); No difference was found between the RVF only group and the normal group (RVF only vs. Normal, log-rank: 0.012, p = 0.912). RVF only patients with RV failure but without RV systolic dysfunction, RVSD only patients with RVSD but without RV failure, RVF/RVSD patients with combined RVF–RVSD

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