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Table 1 Demographic information

From: Antimicrobial stewardship, therapeutic drug monitoring and infection management in the ICU: results from the international A- TEAMICU survey


Numbers (%)

Region of origin

 Europe and Central Asia

641 (80%)

 Latin America and Caribbean

61 (8%)

 East Asia and Pacific Region

38 (5%)

 Middle East and North Africa

27 (3%)

 South Asia

24 (3%)

 North America

8 (1%)

 Sub-Saharan Africa

6 (0.7%)

Type of hospital

 Academic hospital

416 (52%)

 Non-academic teaching hospital

275 (34%)

 General non-teaching hospital

114 (14%)

Numbers of ICU beds

 ≤ 10

156 (19%)


226 (28%)


123 (15%)


89 (11%)


44 (5%)

 > 50

163 (20%)