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Table 1 Patients characteristics (n = 62)

From: The ability of Oxygen Reserve Index® to detect hyperoxia in critically ill patients

Age (years)

57 (13)




40 (66)

Body mass index (kg/m2)

26 (5)

Reason for admission


 Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage

41 (66)

 Hemorrhagic stroke

13 (21)

 Ischemic stroke

3 (5)


5 (8)

Preexisting condition


 High blood pressure

30 (48%)

 Coronary heart disease

3 (5%)

 Active tobacco smoking

24 (39%)


9 (15%)

 Obesity (body mass index > 30 kg/m2)

12 (19%)

 Chronic obstruction pulmonary disease

3 (5%)

 Peripheral arterial disease


 SAPS II score

43 (19)




47 (76)

Delay between admission and inclusion

3 [2–5]

  1. Data are expressed as mean (standard deviation), median [25–75% interquartile range] or count (percentage%) as appropriate
  2. SAPS Simplified Acute Physiology Score