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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients included in the study

From: Peripheral tissue hypoperfusion predicts post intubation hemodynamic instability

Patients’ characteristics


Median age, years

68 [57–77]

Male gender

71 (59)

Median SAPS II

47 [37–63]

Median SOFA score

6 [4–9]

Indication for trachea intubation


61 (51)


16 (13)

 Non-hypercapnic coma

35 (29)


 No infection

62 (52)


58 (48)

 Septic shock

18 (16)



33 (28)

 Liver cirrhosis

4 (3)

 Diabetes mellitus

28 (24)

 Chronic kidney disease

16 (13)

 Cardiovascular disease

24 (20)

Left ventricular ejection fraction before TI

 > 50%

87 (76)


18 (16)

 < 30%

10 (9)

Right to left ventricular diameter ratio before TI

 < 0.6

77 (66)


32 (28)

 > 0.9

7 (6)

Presence of paradoxical septum before TI

7 (6)

  1. Data are No. (%) of patients for discontinuous variables, and median [interquartile range] for continuous variables
  2. Data are No. (%) for discontinuous variables, and median [interquartile range] for continuous variables