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Table 3 Outcomes

From: Pharmacokinetics, efficacy and tolerance of cefoxitin in the treatment of cefoxitin-susceptible extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacterales infections in critically ill patients: a retrospective single-center study


Median [IQR] or counts (%)

Cefoxitin treatment failurea

26 (63%)


12 (29%)

 Change of antibiotic before scheduled end of cefoxitin treatment

13 (32%)

 Relapse of the infection with the same ESBL-PE

11 (27%)

Cefoxitin treatment failure

 Definitely linked to the initial ESBL-PE

14 (34%)

 Possibly linked to the initial ESBL-PE

8 (19%)

 Not linked to the initial ESBL-PE

4 (10%)

Delay between inclusion and death—days

8 [5–14]

Delay between inclusion and relapse with the same ESBL-PE—days

10 [5–20]

Acquisition of cefoxitin-resistance with the same species of ESBL-PE

13 (32%)


4 (10%)


9 (22%)

Delay between inclusion and identification of cefoxitin-resistance—days

11 [10–20]

Number of patients presenting a serious adverse event

7 (17%)

Nature of adverse eventa

 Acute kidney injury

4 (10%)


2 (5%)

 Hepatic cytolysis

1 (2%)


1 (2%)



Cefoxitin discontinuation due to serious adverse event

1 (2%)

Occurrence of Clostridioides difficile infection

2 (5%)

  1. aCould be multiple
  2. ESBL-PE extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales, IQR interquartile range