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Table 1 Patient characteristics, respiratory mechanics, and recruitability assessment

From: Correlation between the hysteresis of the pressure–volume curve and the recruitment-to-inflation ratio in patients with coronavirus disease 2019


n = 33

Age, years

57 [50–64]

Sex, M, n (%)

21 (63.6)

Height, cm

168.0 [156.0–172.0]

Body weight, kg

74.3 [62.0–85.0]

Body mass index, kg/m2

27.5 [23.8–29.0]

Pre-existing conditions, n (%)



12 (36.4)


12 (36.4)


26 (78.8)

 Receiving high-flow nasal cannula before invasive mechanical ventilation, n (%)

12 (36.4)

 Receiving prone position after invasive mechanical ventilation, n (%)

32 (97.0)

 Interval between onset and admission

10 [6–11]

Severity of ARDS at admission, n (%)



5 (15.2)


18 (54.6)


8 (24.2)

 KL-6 at admission

571 [318–841]

 APACHE II at admission

13 [8–15]

 Interval between start of mechanical ventilation and recruitability assessment, days

0 [0–1]

 PaO2/FiO2 at recruitability assessment, mmHg

116.0 [90.0–183.0]

 SOFA score at recruitability assessment

3 [2–7]

Respiratory data at recruitability assessment


 TV, mL/kg (PBW)

6.2 [5.8–7.4]

 PEEP, cm H2O

15 [14, 15]

 Pplat, cm H2O

25 [23–29]

 Crs, mL/cm H2O

36.6 [30.1–44.4]

Recruitability assessment


 Airway opening pressure > 5 cm H2O, n (%)

7 (21.2)

 Higher PEEP for R/I ratio, cm H2O

15 [15–15]

 Set tidal volume for R/I ratio, mL

400 [400–400]

 VT exhaled at higher PEEP for R/I ratio, mL

390 [380–400]

 Lower PEEP for R/I ratio, cm H2O

5 [5–5]

 VT exhaled from higher to lower PEEP, mL

1145 [959–1280]

 Plateau pressure at lower PEEP for R/I ratio, cm H2O

15 [14–18]

 ∆Vrec, mL

334.3 [260.0–451.4]

 R/I ratio

0.90 [0.70–1.15]

 Distance at 20 cm H2O, mL

810 [645–970]

 Maximal distance, mL

845 [670–995]

 Airway pressure at maximal distance, cm H2O

19.5 [17.9–20.4]

 Maximal volume (Vmax), mL

2065 [1710–2625]

 Normalized distance at 20 cm H2O, %

39.9 [35.8–42.6]

 Normalized maximal distance, %

41.0 [37.1–44.1]

  1. Data are presented as median [IQR] n (%), where n is the total number of patients with COVID-19 in the relevant data minus the missing values
  2. COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, KL-6 Krebs von den Lungen-6, APACHE II Acute Physiologic Assessment and Chronic Health Evaluation II, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, TV tidal volume, PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure, Pplat plateau pressure, Crs respiratory system compliance, R/I ratio recruitment-to-inflation ratio