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Table 3 Top ten measures to improve critical care 449 over the next 10 years 450

From: The positive impact of COVID-19 on critical care: from unprecedented challenges to transformative changes, from the perspective of young intensivists

Top ten measures to improve critical care over the next ten years


Crisis protocol and decision-making process with a coordination team must be anticipated, drafted at local, regional, national levels and must be communicated to all healthworkers to avoid stress and confusion

Efficient public–private partnership combined with a centralized health care system approach should improve the redistribution of medical devices and human resources

Development of international collaborations with harmonized institutional research design

Patient-centered collective shared-decision process with an independent expert must be discussed in regular multidisciplinary meetings, regularly updated and written in the patient’s medical record

Promote the culture of advance directives through improved communication with national communication campaigns

Improve healthworkers’ ethics education

Improve post-ICU care, including respiratory, neurologic and psychological rehabilitation with a multidisciplinary approach

Develop communication with the family by improving digital tools

Increasing staff resources must be a priority to prevent work-related stress and remain attractive

Create a positive and motivating daily environment (well-being program, flexible schedules, reduce administrative tasks)