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Table 3 Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and likelihood ratios of digestive colonization for extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in respiratory sample

From: Relation between presence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in systematic rectal swabs and respiratory tract specimens in ICU patients


Early group (≤5 days) (n = 1557)

Late group (>5 days) (n = 941)

Sensitivity (%) [95% CI]

75.6% [73.4–77.7]

75.3% [72.6–78.1]

Specificity (%) [95% CI]

86.8% [85.1–88.5]

71.0% [68.1–73.9]

Positive predictive value (%) [95% CI]

14.5% [12.8–16.3]

34.4% [31.4–37.4]

Negative predictive value (%) [95% CI]

99.2% [98.7–99.6]

93.4% [91.9–95.0]

Positive LR [95% CI]

5.71 [4.63–7.05]

2.60 [2.26–2.99]

Negative LR [95% CI]

0.28 [0.17–0.47]

0.35 [0.26–0.46]

  1. LR likelihood ratio. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive values are expressed as percentage [95% CI]. Likelihood ratios are expressed as absolute value [95% CI]