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Table 1 Characteristics of patients

From: Herpesviridae lung reactivation and infection in patients with severe COVID-19 or influenza virus pneumonia: a comparative study


COVID-19 patients

(n = 145)

Influenza patients

(n = 89)

ICU admission

Age, y

53 (44–58)

55 (44–62)

Male sexa

103 (71)

50 (56)

Symptom-onset-to-ICU-admission interval, daysa

7 (5–10)

8 (5–14)

Admission SAPS IIa,b

59 (52–67)

71 (59–83)

Admission SOFA scorea,c

12 (9–13)

15 (12–17)


12 (8)

13 (15)

Documented bacterial coinfectiona

10 (19)

41 (46)

Procedures and outcome during ICU stay

Corticosteroids usea,e

127 (88)

18 (20)

Tocilizumab usea

13 (9)





3 (2)

20 (22)


141 (97)

65 (73)


1 (1)

4 (5)

ICU-acquired infection


 Ventilator-associated pneumonia

134 (92)

53 (60)

 Bloodstream infection

79 (54)

26 (29)

Days on ECMOa

30 (12–45)

13 (7–28)

Days on mechanical ventilationa,b

44 (24–62)

27 (13–48)

ICU length of stay, daysa

49 (31–69)

26 (11–47)

ICU mortality rate, days

63 (43)

44 (49)

  1. Results are expressed as median (IQR) or n (%). COVID-19  coronavirus-infection disease 19, ICU intensive care unit, SAPS II  severe acute physiology score, SOFA  sequential organ failure assessment, VAP  ventilator-associated pneumonia, ARDS  acute respiratory distress syndrome, ECMO  extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
  2. ap < 0.05
  3. bPossible score, 0 to 163; higher scores indicate greater disease severity; p < 0.0001
  4. cCalculated from 6 variables obtained the day of admission, taking into account each parameter’s worst values during the 24 h following admission. Scores range from 0 to 24, with higher scores indicating more severe organ failure and higher mortality risk. Patients with a SOFA score = 10 have a 40–50% predicted mean chance of survival; p < 0.01
  5. dSolid organ transplant recipients, hematological malignancy or receiving immunosuppressant drug (including corticosteroids at a dose ≥ 0.5 mg/kg/d for ≥ 1 month)
  6. eAt a dose ≥ 40 mg/d of prednisone or its equivalent for at least 5 consecutive days, and including high doses of methylprednisolone for persistent acute respiratory distress syndrome