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Table 2 Incidental extrapulmonary findings

From: Clinical impact of screening computed tomography in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a retrospective cohort study

Extrapulmonary findings (N = 761)


95% CIs

Total patients with extrapulmonary findings

245 (32.2)


Known intra-abdominal pathology

18 (2.4)


Known intra-cranial pathology

3 (0.4)


Incidental extrapulmonary findings

227* (29.8)

26.6, 33.2

Any incidental intracranial findings

109 (14.3)

11.9, 17.0

Intracranial haemorrhage

67 (8.8)

6.9, 11.1

Cerebral oedema

42 (5.5)

4.0, 7.4

Cerebral infarction

18 (2.4)

1.4, 3.7

Any incidental intra-abdominal finding

134 (17.6)

15.0, 20.5

Sub-diaphragmatic bleeding

17 (2.2)

1.3, 3.6

 Intra-abdominal bleeding

11 (1.4)

0.7, 2.6

 Retroperitoneal hematoma

3 (0.4)

 < 0.1, 1.15

 Psoas hematoma

3 (0.4)

 < 0.1, 1.15

Intra-abdominal collection

11 (1.4)

0.7, 2.6


43 (5.7)

4.1, 7.5

 Ischaemic colitis

8 (1.1)

0.5, 2.1

Splenic infarcts

21 (2.8)

1.7, 4.2

Liver infarcts

10 (1.3)

0.6, 2.4


9† (1.2)

0.5, 2.2


23‡ (3.0)

1.9, 4.5


1 (0.1)

 < 0.1, 0.7


38 (5.0)

3.6, 6.8

 Subdiaphragmatic venous thrombosis

17 (2.2)

1.3, 3.6

ECMO cannula malposition

3 (0.4)

0.08, 1.15

Endotracheal tube malposition

21 (2.8)

1.7, 4.2

  1. *3 patients with known intra-abdominal pathology had incidental intracranial findings. No patient with known intracranial pathology had an incidental intraabdominal finding. †3 cases of radiological pancreatitis were deemed met the Atlanta criteria. ‡16 cases of cholecystitis met the Tokyo criteria, all acalculous
  2. ECMO denotes extracorporeal membrane oxygenation