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Table 3 Duration of stay on non-ICU ward until transfer to ICU, and primary reason for ICU transfer

From: Characteristics and prognostic factors of bacterial meningitis in the intensive care unit: a prospective nationwide cohort study

Time until ICU transfer

Days until transfer to ICUa

1 (0–3)

Transfer same day

74/190 (39%)

Transfer < 3 days

141/190 (74%)

Primary reason for ICU transfer


4/189 (2%)

Neurological complications

80/189 (42%)

 Sedation due to motor agitation

10/189 (5%)


22/189 (12%)

 Cerebrovascular complications

8/189 (4%)

 Ischaemic stroke

2/8 (30%)

 Intracranial haemorrhage

3/8 (38%)

 Cerebral vasculitis or delayed thrombosis

3/8 (38%)


6/189 (3%)

 Generalized cerebral edema

3/189 (2%)

 Deterioration of consciousness, not further specified

28/189 (15%)

 Otherwise neurological

3/189 (2%)

Haemodynamic complications

35/189 (19%)

 Haemodynamic instability

25/189 (13%)

 Otherwise haemodynamic

10/189 (5%)

Respiratory failure

63/189 (33%)


7/189 (4%)


3/7 (43%)


4/7 (57%)


15/204 (7%)

  1. Data presented as n/N (%) or median (IQR)
  2. aDays until transfer to ICU is known for 190 of 204 episodes. Reason of transfer to ICU is known for 189 of 204 episodes