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Fig. 2 | Annals of Intensive Care

Fig. 2

From: Covid-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis in mechanically ventilated patients: incidence and outcome in a French multicenter observational cohort (APICOVID)

Fig. 2

Association of probable CAPA with day-90 outcomes. Survival was analyzed using time-dependent Cox proportional hazards models. Mechanical ventilation duration and length of ICU stay were analyzed using a Fine and Gray model. IPA occurrence was fitted as a time-dependent variable. Adjusted HRs were calculated by including age, SOFA score, Charlson’s Comorbidity Index, time from symptom onset to ICU admission, and immunocompromised status as pre-specified covariates. HR > 1 indicates a decrease in survival (i.e., increased mortality), a shorter MV duration (i.e., an increased likelihood of survival with extubation), or a shorter ICU stay (i.e., an increased likelihood of discharge alive). HR < 1 indicates an increase in survival (i.e., decreased mortality), longer MV duration (i.e., a decreased likelihood of survival with extubation), or a longer ICU stay (i.e., a decreased likelihood of discharge alive). CAPA COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis, IPA invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, 95% CI 95% confidence interval, HR hazard ratio, ICU intensive care unit, MV endotracheal mechanical ventilation, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment

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