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Fig. 2 | Annals of Intensive Care

Fig. 2

From: Immediate vs. culture-initiated antibiotic therapy in suspected non-severe ventilator-associated pneumonia: a before–after study (DELAVAP)

Fig. 2

Patient flow chart. ICU: intensive care unit; iMV: invasive mechanical ventilation; VAP: ventilator-associated pneumonia. a Deviations from the immediate strategy occurred in 3 of these 44 patients, for the following reasons: 1 patient had suspected early VAP and, at sampling, was already on AT for non-VAP-related reasons, with a regimen deemed appropriate as empirical VAP therapy; 1 patient developed signs consistent with suspected VAP during a window in antibiotic therapy given for complex peritonitis reason why AT was delayed; and 1 patient with neuromuscular disease had radiographic features suggesting atelectasis in part of a lung infiltrate, that made AT delayed for low likelihood of infection. b Deviations from the conservative strategy occurred in 2 of these 43 patients, because they were managed by an intensivist who was new to the ICU and not yet fully aware of the study protocol. In both patients, the deviation consisted in starting antibiotics immediately after lung sampling. Overall protocol compliance was thus 82/87 (94.3%)

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