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Table 3 Antibiotic therapy (AT) suitability

From: Immediate vs. culture-initiated antibiotic therapy in suspected non-severe ventilator-associated pneumonia: a before–after study (DELAVAP)



n = 44


n = 43

p value

Active ATa

28 (63.6%)

26 (60.5%)


Inactive AT

2 (4.5%)

0 (0.0%)


Unnecessary ATb

14 (31.8%)

5 (11.6%)b


Spared ATc


12 (27.9%)


Suitable ATd

28 (63.6%)

38 (88.4%)


Culture-initiated ATe

3 (6.8%)e

19 (44.2%)


Rescue ATf


10 (23.3%)


  1. aActive AT: at least one antimicrobial agent active (based on antibiotic susceptibility testing) against each microorganism cultured from a distal respiratory sample in a concentration above the pre-specified threshold (otherwise, inactive AT)
  2. bUnnecessary AT: AT given then negative culture results (immediate group or rescue AT in the conservative group plus 2 patients in the conservative group managed in 2022 but in whom the protocol for that year was not followed)
  3. cSpared AT: no AT given and negative culture results (conservative group only)
  4. dSuitable AT: active AT or spared AT (both groups)
  5. eCulture-initiated AT: AT given only when the culture results became available (conservative group and 3 patients in the immediate group managed in 2019 but in whom the protocol for that year was not followed)
  6. fRescue AT: AT given before the culture results became available in the conservative group, due to the development of shock, worsening severe hypoxemia and/or to a positive blood culture after sampling