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Table 3 Predictors of mortality in the ICU, in hospital, and at 1 year after admission

From: Long-term survival and quality of life after intensive care for patients 80 years of age or older


ICU mortality (n = 389)

Hospital mortality for ICU survivors (n = 294)

1-year mortality for hospital survivors (n = 230)


Adjusted HR (95 % CI)

Adjusted HR (95 % CI)

Adjusted HR (95 % CI)

Age, years

1.10 (1.03–1.18)a




Ventilator support


 Mechanical ventilator support

1.99 (1.10–3.60)a

1.40 (0.81–2.43)


 Non-invasive ventilator support

0.87 (0.51–1.49)


Severity score, mean



1.03 (1.01–1.04)a

1.01 (0.99–1.03)

1.01 (0.99–1.03)

 Max. SOFA

1.20 (1.10–1.31)a

1.03 (0.95–1.12)




 None (CCI 0)




 Mild (CCI 1–2)

0.68 (0.35–1.30)


1.02 (0.43–2.46)

 Moderate (CCI 3–4)

0.53 (0.25–1.11)


1.06 (0.42–2.65)

 Severe (CCI ≥ 5)

0.53 (0.23–1.25)


2.09 (0.99–5.39)

Severe organ dysfunction



1.05 (0.55–1.97)



0.76 (0.39–1.48)



1.50 (0.88–2.54)



1.19 (0.71–1.99)






Admission categories


 Planned surgery




 Unplanned surgery

1.40 (0.54–3.65)

3.46 (1.06–11.24)a

2.02 (0.88–4.64)

 Medical reasons

2.11 (0.80–5.58)

3.17 (0.94–10.76)

1.97 (0.83–4.70)

Diagnostic groups


 Respiratory failure

1.03 (0.55–1.90)


1.86 (1.13–3.07)a

 Circulatory failure


 Combined respiratory and circulatory failure


 Neurologic failure


1.67 (0.86–3.25)


 Isolated head injury

1.56 (0.58–4.18)


9.12 (2.44–34.14)a


1.20 (0.63–2.69)


 Gastroenterological failure


 Multiple organ failure

1.27 (0.60–2.69)

1.67 (0.64–4.31)


 Multitrauma without head injury


 Multitrauma with head injury

2.99 (1.04–8.60)a


 Planned surgery


 Acute operation



  1. ICU intensive care unit, SAPS II simplified acute physiology score II, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment, HR hazard ratio, CI confidence interval, CCI Charlson comorbidity index
  2. aSignificant differences