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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients and main outcomes according to acute kidney injury categorization

From: Factors associated with renal Doppler resistive index in critically ill patients: a prospective cohort study


No AKI (n: 21)

Transient AKI (n: 25)

Persistent AKI (n: 37)

Overall (n: 83)

Male gender, n (%)

10 (47)

20 (80)

24 (65)

54 (65)

Medical admission, n (%)

8 (38)

11 (44)

23 (62)

42 (51)

Age, years

50 (38; 59)

43 (22; 64)

54 (32; 69)

51 (31; 64)


41 ± 15a

45 ± 14a

53 ± 12

47 ± 16

Mechanical ventilation, n (%)

12 (57)

14 (56)

16 (43)

42 (51)

Vasopressor therapy, n (%)

5 (24)

11 (44)

18 (49)

34 (41)

Main diagnosis, n (%)


 Multiple trauma

3 (14)

12 (48)

7 (19)

22 (26)

 Neurological syndromes

7 (33)

5 (20)

8 (22)

20 (24)


3 (14)

2 (8)

13 (35)

18 (22)

 Acute abdomen

2 (9)

4 (16)

3 (8)

9 (11)

Associated diseases, n (%)


 Arterial hypertension

9 (42)

8 (32)

17 (46)

34 (41)

 Diabetes mellitus

4 (19)

2 (8)

8 (22)

14 (17)

 Solid neoplasms

2 (9)

3 (12)

5 (13)

10 (12)

 Chronic heart failure

1 (5)

1 (4)

8 (22)

10 (9)

 Coronary arterial disease

3 (14)

0 (0)

4 (11)

6 (8)

RRTb, n (%)



8 (22)

8 (10)

ICU mortalityb, n (%)

4 (19)

5 (20)

14 (38)

23 (27)

Hospital mortalityb, n (%)

4 (19)

5 (20)

17 (46)

26 (31)

  1. RRT renal replacement therapy, ICU intensive care unit, AKI acute kidney injury
  2. ap < 0.05 compared to persistent AKI
  3. bp < 0.05, using Chi-square with Yates correction