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Table 3 Suggested ventilation strategies depending on the presence of ARDS and IAH

From: Ventilation in patients with intra-abdominal hypertension: what every critical care physician needs to know





IAH and respiratory failure

Tidal volume

6 to 8 mL/kg PBW may be beneficial

Recommended 4–8 mL/kg PBW (Grade 1B) [123, 124]

6 to 8 mL/kg PBW may be beneficial

4–8 mL/kg PBW may be beneficial

Inspiratory plateau pressure

< 20 cmH2O

Recommended < 30 cmH2O to reduce risk of alveolar over-distension (Grade 1B) [123]

Higher airway pressures may be acceptable and may arise due to reduced chest wall compliance. Corrected target plateau pressure = target plateau pressure − 7 + IAP (mmHg) * 0.7

Higher airway pressures may be acceptable and may arise due to reduced chest wall compliance. Corrected target plateau pressure = target plateau pressure − 7 + (mmHg) * 0.7

Driving pressure

< 14 cmH2O

< 14 cmH2O (Grade 2B) [84]

< 14 cmH2O

< 14 cmH2O

Inspiratory plateau trans-pulmonary pressure

< 15 cmH2O is reasonable

< 25 cmH2O is reasonable [29]

< 25 cmH2O is reasonable

< 25 cmH2O may be a reasonable target


5 in cmH2O

Higher PEEP levels in moderate to severe ARDS improves survival rate (Grade 2B) [123]. We suggest 5–10 cmH2O in mild to moderate ARDS and 10–15 in moderate to severe ARDS

Higher PEEP levels may reduce atelectasis and atelectrauma. We suggest not to exceed 15 cmH2O

Higher than usual PEEP levels may be required to improve oxygenation and respiratory mechanics. We suggest not to exceed 15 cmH2O

PEEP titration

We suggest avoidance of excessive driving pressure

Optimal respiratory compliance, i.e. lowest driving pressure during constant protective tidal volume. Oesophageal pressure guided is a reasonable alternative

Optimal respiratory compliance, i.e. lowest driving pressure during constant protective tidal volume. We suggest PEEP in cmH2O = IAP in mmHg

Optimal respiratory compliance, i.e. lowest driving pressure during constant protective tidal volume. Oesophageal pressure guided is a reasonable alternative

Recruitment manoeuvre (RM)

RM not routinely recommended

RM improves oxygenation, but outcome may be worsened with RM. Best RM method is unknown [65, 123]

RM not routinely recommended

Higher airway pressures might be required for RM to be effective


Not recommended

Recommended as it improves oxygenation and survival rate in patients with ARDS (Grade 1B) [108, 123]

Not recommended

May reduce IAP and improve oxygenation Important to assure free hanging abdomen and absent IAP increase [29]


Not recommended

Short term NMBA may be beneficial [125]

May reduce IAP [121]

May reduce IAP and/or improve oxygenation

Adjunctive therapy


Nitric oxide

Negative fluid balance

Negative fluid balance


Ascites drainage

Ascites drainage


Laparostoma [26, 121]



Nitric oxide, ECCO2R, ECMO

  1. ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, ECCO2R extracorporeal CO2 removal, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, IAH intra-abdominal hypertension, IAP intra-abdominal pressure, PBW predicted body weight, PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure, RM recruitment manoeuvre