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Table 3 Estimated values of different variables on left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) according to a linear mixed-effects model analysis

From: Determinants of left ventricular ejection fraction and a novel method to improve its assessment of myocardial contractility

Fixed effects


95% confidence interval

p value

Global cardiac function

 Ees (mmHg ml−1)


34.28 to 55.49

< 0.001

 Ea (mmHg ml−1)

− 29.47

− 33.26 to − 25.68

< 0.001

 LV EDV (ml)

− 0.12

− 0.15 to − 0.08

< 0.001

 Heart rate (bpm)


0.05 to 0.29


Diastolic function

 LV β constant (a.u.)


474.9 to 1932.6

< 0.001

 τ (ms)

− 1.28

− 1.49 to − 1.07

< 0.001

VAC (Ea/Ees) (a.u.)

− 10.6

− 11.85 to − 9.37

< 0.001

LV mechanical efficiency (%)


0.85 to 0.90

< 0.001

  1. Estimate reflects the average change in the LVEF per unit increase of each fixed effect
  2. Ees left ventricular end-systolic elastance; Ea effective arterial elastance, LV left ventricle, EDV end-diastolic volume, EDPVR slope of the end-diastolic pressure–volume relationship, β LV chamber stiffness constant obtained from the end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship, τ (tau) time constant of the isovolumetric LV pressure relaxation, VAC ventriculo-arterial coupling