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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study group and comparison between ICU survivors versus non-survivors

From: Ocular microvascular changes in patients with sepsis: a prospective observational study


All patients (n = 48)

ICU Survivors (n = 19)

ICU Non-survivors (n = 29)

Age, years

67 [54–77]

58 [47–67]

75 [61–79]*

Male gender, n (%)

30 (63)

13 (68)

17 (59)


16 [12–21]

13 [9–16]

18 [14–26]*

SOFA score at baseline

10 [7–12]

10 [6–11]

12 [9–13]*

Time after ICUadmission, h

12 [7–17]

12 [10–17]

13 [4–18]

Source of infection, n (%)


22 (46)

11 (58)

11 (38)


17 (35)

5 (26)

12 (41)

 Urinary tract

6 (13)

2 (11)

4 (14)

 Soft tissue

2 (4)


2 (7)


1 (2)

1 (5)


 Heart rate, bpm

110 [86–131]

89 [77–116]

110 [86–131]

Mean arterial pressure, mmHg

73 [62–82]

77 [69–81]

73 [62–82]

Cardiac index, L/min/m2

3.0 [2.1–3.9]

2.9 [2.5–3.7]

3.0 [1.7–4.2]

Vasoactive drugs

 Norepinephrine, n, mcg/kg/min

44, 0.24 [0.13–0.35]

17, 0.24 [0.08–0.32]

27, 0.28 [0.16–0.40]

 Epinephrine, n, mcg/kg/min

6, 0.09 [0.06–0.23]


6, 0.09 [0.06–0.23]

 Dobutamine, n, mcg/kg/min

1, 6.0 [6.0–6.0]


1, 6.0 [6.0–6.0]

Hemoglobin, g/L

105 [90–124]

109 [98–135]

98 [82–114]*

White blood cells, n × 103/mmc

13.9 [7.8–19.2]

13.4 [7.2–17.7]

14.0 [8.7–19.9]

CRP, mg/L

217 [151–282]

252 [139–324]

206 [161–257]

IL-6, pg/mL

1460 [511–4852]

1036 [459–4487]

1695 [511–4852]

IL-10, pg/mL

45 [9–135]

26 [8–220]

55 [11–154]

PaO2, mmHg

97 [80–135]

92 [82–110]

111 [71–148]

Arterial lactate, mmol/L

1.6 [1.1–3.6]

1.1 [0.9–1.5]

2.3 [1.5–4.9]*

  1. Data are presented as median [IQR]
  2. APACHE Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, SOFA Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment, ICU intensive care unit, CRP c-reactive protein
  3. *p < 0.05 between survivors and non-survivors