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Table 1 Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the patients in the study

From: A preliminary study of intensivist-performed DVT ultrasound screening in trauma ICU patients (APSIT Study)

Patient characteristics


All patients (N = 117)


Median (IQR) years

47 (28–68)


n (%)

100 (77)

Trauma type


n (%)

58 (50)

 Pelvic/lower limb fracture

n (%)

32 (27)

 Spinal cord injury

n (%)

10 (9)

Risk factor for DVT

 Known h/o DVT/PE

n (%)

4 (3)

 Femoral CVC present

n (%)

26 (22)

 Location of femoral CVC-right

n (%)

23 (88)

Severity of Illness Scores

 ISS score

Mean (SD)

27.5 (9.53)


Median (IQR)

14 (10–19)

DVT prophylaxis

 Calf compression devices

n (%)

103 (88)

 Compression stockings

n (%)

106 (91)


n (%)

13 (11)

Mechanical ventilation

n (%)

86 (74)

Duration of mechanical ventilation

Median (IQR) days

5.4 (2.4–9.5)

ICU length of stay

Median (IQR) days

6.6 (3.2–11.6)

Hospital length of stay*

Median (IQR) days

17 (11–22)


n (%)

104 (89)

  1. IQR interquartile rage, SD standard deviation, TBI traumatic brain injury, DVT deep vein thrombosis, PE pulmonary embolism, CVC central venous catheter, ISS injury severity score, APACHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II
  2. *Data missing for 2 patients
  3. **1 patient received unfractionated heparin