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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study population

From: Effects of capillary refill time-vs. lactate-targeted fluid resuscitation on regional, microcirculatory and hypoxia-related perfusion parameters in septic shock: a randomized controlled trial


CRT targeted group

Lactate targeted group



Age (years)

51 [45–75]

66 [55–75]


48 (10)

66 (14)

APACHE score

23 [15–30]

23 [14–34]

SOFA score

11 [8–14]

12 [9–14]

Septic Source

Abdominal: 62 (13)

Abdominal 52: (11)

Other: 14 (3)

Other: 10 (2)

Respiratory: 14 (3)

Respiratory: 14 (3)

Urinary: 10 (2)

Urinary: 24 (5)

Surgical Source

57 (12)

62 (13)

Time to antibiotics (min)

60 [45–120]

60 [30–60]

Fluids Pre-randomization (ml)


2500 [1250–3175]

MV at inclusion

95 (21)

81 (17)

MAP (mmHg)

71 [66–77]

69 [61–78]

CVP (mmHg)

8 [5–12]

8 [6–10]

Cardiac Index (l/m/m2)

3.1 [2.2–3.5]

2.8 [1.9–3.9]

Norepinephrine dose (mcg/kg/min)

0.23 [0.14–0.54]

0.29 [0.16–0.4]

Lactate (mmol/L)

3 [2.8–5.5]

4 [3–7.6]

CRT (s)

5 [3–6.5]

5 [3–6.5]

ScvO2 (%)

69 [65–78]

70 [59–79]

Delta pCO2(v-a)

8 [4–13]

7 [5–11]

P(cv-a)CO2/Da-vO2 ratio

2 [1–2.5]

1.3 [1.1–2.8]

L/P ratio

8.1 [4–13.9]

9 [4.7–14]

StO2 (%)

78 [66–82]

78 [70–83]

PDR-ICGa (%)

18 [10–21.8]

12 [10–15.4]


1.75 [1–2.5]

2.6 [2.5–3]

  1. Data are presented as percentage (absolute number) or median [interquartile range]
  2. CRT Capillary refill time, APACHE II Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation II, SOFA Sequential organ failure Assessment score, MV Mechanical ventilation, MAP Mean arterial pressure, CVP Central venous pressure, ScvO2 central venous oxygen saturation, Delta pCO2(v-a) Difference between central venous carbon dioxide pressure and arterial carbon dioxide pressure, P(cv-a)CO2/Da-vO2 ratio central venous-arterial pCO2 gradient/ arterial-venous, O2 content difference ratio, L/P ratio lactate-piruvate ratio, StO2 Thenar muscle oxygen saturation, PDR-ICG Indocianine greeen plasma disappearance rate,MFI Microcirculatory flow index
  3. aAssessed only at Hospital Clínico UC CHRISTUS