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Table 3 Ability of the end-expiratory occlusion test to detect preload responsiveness using three different methods for measuring cardiac index

From: Bioreactance reliably detects preload responsiveness by the end-expiratory occlusion test when averaging and refresh times are shortened



Sensitivity (95% CI)

Specificity (95% CI)

LR +  (95% CI)

LR− (95% CI)



EEXPO—Relative ΔCIpulse

0.983 ± 0.018

1.00 (0.87–1.00)

0.94 (0.70–1.00)

16.0 (2.4–106.7)



 < 0.0001

EEXPO—Relative ΔCIStarling-24.4

0.680 ± 0.086

0.62 (0.41–0.80)

0.94 (0.70–1.00)

9.9 (1.4–67.3)

0.4 (0.2–0.7)



EEXPO—Relative ΔCIStarling-8.1

0.899 ± 0.049

0.79 (0.59–0.93)

0.86 (0.57–0.98)

5.54 (1.5–20.3)

0.24 (0.1–0.5)


 < 0.0001

  1. AUROC area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, EEXPO end-expiratory occlusion, LR +  positive likelihood ratio, LR− negative likelihood ratio, PLR passive leg raising; SE standard error, 95% CI 95% confidence interval, ΔCIpulse changes in cardiac index measured through the pulse contour analysis method, ΔCIStarling-24.4 changes in cardiac index detected by the commercial version of the Starling device (averaging time 24 s, refresh time 4 s), ΔCIStarling-8.1 changes in cardiac index derived through raw data analysis of the Starling device (averaging time 8 s, refresh time 1 s)