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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population

From: Proportional assist ventilation relieves clinically significant dyspnea in critically ill ventilated patients

Demographic characteristics

Gender, male

25 (73)

Age, year

66 (57‒77)

Weight, kg

75 (64‒91)

Height, m

1.72 (1.61‒1.78)

Body mass index, kg m−2

26 (22‒29)

Duration of mechanical ventilation prior to inclusion, days

6 (4‒9)

Duration of mechanical ventilation after inclusion, days

3 (2‒3)

At least one spontaneous breathing trial performed before enrolment, n (%)

7 (21)

Sedation on inclusion, n (%)

8 (23)


0.0 (-0.7‒1.0)


Chronic respiratory disease, n (%)

14 (41)

Chronic heart failure, n (%)

2 (6)

Reason for intubation

Bacterial pneumonia, n (%)

11 (33)

Viral or fungal pneumonia, n (%)

4 (12)

Aspiration pneumonia, n (%)

3 (9)

Acute on chronic respiratory failure, n (%)

10 (30)

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema, n (%)

2 (6)

Other, n (%)

4 (12)

Severity scores

SAPS at admission

56 (38‒66)

SOFA at inclusion

6 (4‒9)

  1. RASS Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale, SAPS Simplified Acute Physiology Score, SOFA Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment
  2. Data are expressed as median (interquartile range) and number (%)