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Table 2 Utstein clinical and laboratory features in each of the four clusters (imputed model)

From: Factors associated with circulatory death after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a population-based cluster analysis


Cluster 1

N = 1619

Cluster 2

N = 1528

Cluster 3

N = 727

Cluster 4

N = 571

P valuea

Prehospital characteristics

 Males, n (%)

1344 (83)

822 (54)

472 (65)

474 (83)

< 0.001

 Age (years), median [IQR]

58 [49–68]

69 [60–80]

61 [50–72]

53 [44–61]

< 0.001

 Witnessed, n (%)

1615 (100)

1528 (100)

299 (41)

561 (98)

< 0.001

 Bystander CPR, n (%)

1324 (82)

1208 (78)

6 (0.9)

466 (82)

< 0.001

 OHCA in public area, n (%)

1032 (64)

358 (23)

167 (23)

315 (55)

< 0.001

 Shockable rhythm, n (%)

1511 (93)

324 (21)

142 (19)

370 (65)

< 0.001

 No-flowb (min), median [IQR]

2 [0–5]

2 [0–5]

15 [10–20]

2 [0–5]

< 0.001

 Low-flowc (min), median [IQR]

18 [10–26]

20 [13–30]

25 [15–34]

80 [52–100]

< 0.001

 ST-segment elevation, n (%)

1149 (71)

334 (22)

227 (31)

278 (49)

< 0.001

 Epinephrine dose (mg)

Median [IQR]

0 [0–2]

2 [1–4]

3 [1–4]

8 [5–11]

< 0.001

Hospital management

 TTM, n (%)

1142 (71)

601 (39)

335 (46)

280 (49)

< 0.001

 Vasoactive drugs, n (%)

902 (56)

986 (65)

552 (76)

525 (92)

< 0.001

 Angioplasty success, n (%)

933 (58)

69 (4.5)

68 (9.4)

176 (31)

< 0.001

 Lactate (mmol/L), median [IQR]




[3.4– 11.0]


[4.2– 13.0]


[8.5– 17.0]

< 0.001

 Creatinine (µmol/L), median [IQR]









< 0.001

 Patients treated with ECMO, n (%)

107 (7)

39 (3)

23 (3)

359 (63)

< 0.001

 Follow-up (days), median [IQR]

6 [3–10]

2 [1–7]

2 [1–6]

1 [0–4]

< 0.001

  1. CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation, TTM targeted temperature management
  2. aχ2 test for categorical variables, ANOVA or Kruskal–Wallis test for continuous variables
  3. bNo-flow was the time from collapse to the initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  4. cLow-flow was the time from the initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the return of spontaneous circulation