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Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics

From: Physiological effects of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy after extubation: a randomized crossover study


All patients (n = 22)

Age, years

59 ± 17

Female sex, n %

9 (41)

Body mass index, kg/mt2

32 ± 9

Charlson comorbidity index

3 ± 2

APACHE II at ICU admission

14 ± 8

SOFA (day of the study)

5 ± 3

SOFA (peak during ICU)

7 ± 3

PaO2/FiO2 (lowest value during MV), mmHg

136 ± 56

Length of mechanical ventilation, days

8 ± 4

Characteristics at the end of the SBT


 Heart rate, bpm

90 ± 12

 Systolic arterial pressure, mmHg

145 ± 23

 Diastolic arterial pressure, mmHg

99 ± 16

 Mean arterial pressure, mmHg

76 ± 18

 Respiratory rate, bpm

22 ± 5

 Tidal volume, ml

479 ± 133

 P 0.1, cmH2O

0.77 ± 0.99


242 ± 67

 PaCO2, mmHg

36 ± 5


7.46 ± 0.05

  1. Abbreviations: APACHE: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; SOFA: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; ICU: intensive care unit; AHRF: acute hypoxemic respiratory failure; MV: mechanical ventilation; SBT: spontaneous breathing trial; P 0.1: airway occlusion pressure at 100 ms; PaCO2: partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Variables are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation