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Table 1 Patients’ characteristics at baseline

From: Bedside personalized methods based on electrical impedance tomography or respiratory mechanics to set PEEP in ARDS and recruitment-to-inflation ratio: a physiologic study


All patients

n = 19



 Age, years

64 [54–67]

 Female gender (%)

4 (21)

 BMI, kg.m−2

30.4 [24.8–33.6]

 SAPS II score at ICU admission

45 [38–51]

 ARDS etiology (%)



15 (79)


4 (21)

Mechanics and gas exchange at PEEP 5 cmH2O

 PaO2/FiO2, mmHg

120 [94–168]

 PaCO2, mmHg

47 [39–52]


7.33 [7.29–7.39]

 Ventilatory Ratio

1.97 [1.64–2.45]

 Tidal volume/PBW,−1

6.1 [6.0–6.2]

 Respiratory rate, min−1

30 [24–29]

 PEEPtot, cmH2O

7.0 [5.5–8.0]

 Plateau pressure, cmH2O

15 [14–18]

 AOP > 5 cmH2O (%)

4 (21)

 CRS, mL.cmH2O−1

50 [40–63]

 CCW, mL.cmH2O−1

158 [131–219]

 EL/ERS ratio

0.70 [0.61–0.79]

  1. AOP Airway Opening Pressure, ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, BMI Body Mass Index, CCW chest wall compliance, CRS respiratory system compliance, EL/ERS lung elastance to respiratory system elastance ratio, FiO2 Fraction of inspired oxygen, PaCO2 Partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide, PaO2 Partial pressure of arterial oxygen, PEEPtot total Positive End-Expiratory Pressure, PLR Potential for Lung Recruitment, SAPS II Simplified Acute Physiology Score II