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Table 2 EGD indication, procedure, and results

From: Prediction of esophagogastroduodenoscopy therapeutic usefulness for in-ICU suspected upper gastrointestinal bleeding: the SUGIBI score study


EGD (n = 255)

Time from admission (days, mean ± SD)

8.3 ± 13

EGD indication, n (%)*



203 (79.6)


49 (19.2)

 Hemodynamic instability

37 (14.5)

 Hematemesis/blood in NGT

35 (13.7)


35 (13.7)

Intubation solely for EGD, n (%)

61 (23.9)

EGD results, n (%)



62 (24.3)


59 (23.1)


20 (7.8)


48 (18.8)


5 (2)


32 (12.5)

 NGT-induced lesion

7 (2.7)


12 (4.7)

 Multiple lesions

41 (16.1)

 Lesion considered responsible for GI bleeding

110 (43.1)

Hemostatic procedure, n (%)**

33 (12.9)

 Hemostatic clip

19 (58)

 Epinephrine instillation

16 (48)

 EV ligature

14 (42)

 Other (Hemospray™/Gold probe™/APC)

5 (15)

  1. EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy, NGT nasogastric tube, EV esophageal varices, EBO endobrachyesophagus, GI gastrointestinal, APC Argon plasma coagulation. *Some patients had EGD for multiple indications. **Some patients received multiple means of hemostasis during EGD