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Table 3 Overview on the number of annotated breaths in \(P_{\textrm{es}}\) and detected breaths in \(\textrm{sEMG}\)

From: Automated characterization of patient–ventilator interaction using surface electromyography


Inspirations (recordings)

(a) All recordings

(b) Detection validation

(c) Asynchrony validation

\(P_{\hbox {es}}\)

3305 (34)

3057 (32)

2684 (32)

sEMG (costal margin)

2909/3248 (25)

2789/3116 (24)

2410/2728 (24)

sEMG (parasternal)

3652/4143 (33)

3400/3859 (30)

3052/3476 (30)

sEMG (earliest)

3910/4450 (35)

3650/4165 (32)

3198/3693 (32)

  1. In setting (a), the number of annotated or automatically detected breaths in all recordings where patient activity was observed or detected is given. The second setting (b) considers only recordings with valid expert annotations and detected efforts in at least one sEMG channel (with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio). These are used for validating the detection performance of the algorithms against the annotations in \(P_{\textrm{es}}\). The last setting (c) uses only recordings with valid expert annotations, detected efforts in \(\textrm{sEMG}\), and ventilation modes that allow triggering by the patient. This excludes signal sections during CPAP. In all cells, the number of recordings is given in brackets. For the sEMG signals, the number of detected breaths by both algorithms is given (triangle algorithm/adaptive thresholding algorithm)